Search suggestions in Firefox Klar for iOS

Firefox Klar Firefox Klar Esalemi mise à jour yasuka:
Mutu moko te naino asalisi mpo na kolimbola article oyo. Soki osili koyeba ndenge kolimbola mpo na SUMO esalaka, banda kolimbola sik'oyo. Soki olingi koyekola ndenge ya kolimbola baarticle mpo na SUMO, banda awa.

Some search engines provide search suggestions based on popular searches related to what you type into search. If you enable search suggestions, Firefox Klar will show the popular searches provided by your default search engine.

Enable or disable search suggestions

When you type text into the address bar for the first time, Firefox Klar will ask if you want to turn on search suggestions. Afterwards, you can change this setting at any time:

  1. Tap the menu button in the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Under Search, tap the switch next to Get Search Suggestions to turn it on switchonios or off switchoffios.
Enabling search suggestions will send the words you type to the default search engine, which collections information according to the terms of their privacy policy.

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