Kolakisa mituna oyo eza na tag: Lakisa mituna nionso

Trouble loading links from emails

Hi. I have started getting this message (A server with the specified hostname could not be found) a high percentage of the time when following links in emails. I've never… (ebele ya kotanga)

Hi. I have started getting this message (A server with the specified hostname could not be found) a high percentage of the time when following links in emails. I've never had this problem before and these are emails from legitimate companies that I've been connected with for a long time. I've looked at all my settings and changed some to see if it helped but can't find anything that makes a difference. Very frustrating of course. Some of those same links worked fine on my MacBook Pro but not on my iPhone. Thank you, Lucky G

Asked by Lucky mikolo 3 mileki


I don’t see 3 dots on top right corner of my iPad

Asked by John R mikolo 6 mileki