Auto-close open tabs in Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android Nohavaozina farany: 25% of users voted this helpful
Tsy mbola nisy olona nanampy t@ fandikana an'ity lahatsoratra ity. Raha efa fantatrao ny fandehan'ny fandikanteny ho an'i SUMO, dia manomboha mandika izao. Raha te-hianatra ny fomba fandikana lahatsoratra ho an'i SUMO ianao, dia manomboha eto azafady.

Some users accumulate numerous open tabs over time and do not want to have to manually close them. You can enable Firefox for Android to automatically close tabs after one day, one week or one month. Firefox won’t auto-close tabs by default.

Change your auto-close tab settings

  1. Tap the tab icon tab icon next to the address bar to visit the tabs tray. The number indicates how many open tabs you have.

    Tab's icon
  2. Tap the three-dot menu button in the tabs tray.

    FenixTabsMenutab settings menu 89
  3. Tap Tab settings to open the tab configurations page.
  4. Under Close tabs, select a time period. Open tabs not visited longer than the selected period will be closed automatically.
Android close tabs setting

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