Firefox for Enterprise 82 - Release notes

Firefox for Enterprise Firefox for Enterprise Voaforona: 100% of users voted this helpful
Tsy mbola nisy olona nanampy t@ fandikana an'ity lahatsoratra ity. Raha efa fantatrao ny fandehan'ny fandikanteny ho an'i SUMO, dia manomboha mandika izao. Raha te-hianatra ny fomba fandikana lahatsoratra ho an'i SUMO ianao, dia manomboha eto azafady.

Except where noted, everything here applies to both Firefox 82 and the Firefox 78.4 ESR.

Table of Contents

Bug fixes

  • On Windows, when loading a LNK file via a local file, the link was not redirected to the target. This was fixed in the ESR in the previous release and is now fixed in Firefox 82. See bug 1658563.


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