Save to pocket extension missing - can't save anything
https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/using-save-pocket-extension-google-chrome - references an extension in the Google chrome store which doesn't exist. It used to be here chrome-extension://niloccemoadcdkdjlinkgdfekeahmflj
How do I get the right click "save to pocket" and the button on my extensions bar to save articles to pocket?
Because at present I have no functionality to add links to pocket.
The page here https://getpocket.com/add shows an alternative method which doesn't work either The "connect" button returns a 404 error; https://getpocket.com/apps/link/pocket-chrome?s=ADD_PAGE&ep=1
and the drag the bookmarklet to the bookmarks bar adds something to the bookmarks bar but when clicked does nothing as my list of saved articles hasn't changed
Without the ability to save pages to pocket, it does make the whole pocket app rather redundant. What's happening to address this?