Change Firefox Lite themes

Firefox Lite Firefox Lite Última actualização:
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Mozilla has ended support for Firefox Lite on June 30, 2021. This application may continue to work on your device, but it will no longer receive support or security updates. For more information, visit End of support for Firefox Lite. Download Firefox for Android or Firefox Focus for a fast, private and safe browsing experience.

Firefox Lite is available in Indonesia, India, The Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam as well as 42 more countries.

You can change the wallpaper color to customize your home screen in Firefox Lite. You can also change your theme to night mode.

Change your theme

  1. Go to Firefox Lite home screen.
  2. Tap the menu button (three dots) at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap Themes.
  4. Tap a color to change the wallpaper color.

From the home screen, you can also double tap the wallpaper to change your theme color.

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