Firefox for Enterprise 123 - Release notes

Firefox for Enterprise Firefox for Enterprise Última actualização: 75% de utilizadores votaram que isto é útil
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Except where noted, everything here applies to both Firefox 123 and the Firefox 115.8 ESR.

Bug Fixes

  • The background updater now updates properly when there are multiple user accounts on a system. This was fixed in bug 1830071. (This only applies to Firefox 123.)


  • The Preferences policy has been updated to allow explicitly setting the type of preference using Type. This works around a problem where setting an integer preference with a value of 0 or 1 would end up as a boolean. This was done in bug 1872267.
  • The UserMessaging policy has been updated so that FeatureRecommendations also controls whether or not the translation feature is advertised in a popup. This was done in bug 1855314.

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