How do I opt out of Mozilla Monitor?

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Mozilla Monitor allows you to opt out of Mozilla Monitor by deleting your Monitor account. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in to your Mozilla account.
  3. On the left-hand side, click the Settings button Monitor option on the Mozilla Monitor dashboard.
  4. Select Manage account button and under the Delete Monitor account section, click the Delete account link.
    Note: Deleting your Monitor Plus account will also cancel your subscription.
    • If you’re using Monitor, this is what you’ll see.
      Delete account free
    • If you’re using Monitor Plus, this is what you’ll see.
      Delete account plus
  5. Follow the onscreen prompts to continue deleting your Mozilla Monitor or Monitor Plus account.

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See also Firefox Password Manager - Alerts for breached websites about alerts in Firefox for saved logins and passwords exposed in known data breaches.

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