Text Encoding no longer available in the Firefox menu panel

Firefox Firefox Última actualização: 3 days, 13 hours ago 100% de utilizadores votaram que isto é útil
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The Text Encoding menu item was removed from the Firefox menu Fx89menuButton panel in Firefox version 89. Instead, you can use the Menu bar, when the Menu bar is enabled, by clicking View and selecting Repair Text Encoding from the drop-down menu. You can press and release the Alt key to temporarily show the Menu bar.

Note: On most modern pages, the Repair Text Encoding menu item will be greyed-out because character encoding changes are not supported.

Firefox version 91 introduced a new "Repair Text Encoding" feature. There is no longer a sub-menu with a list of encoding choices. When the Repair Text Encoding menu item is activated and you click on it, Firefox will automatically change the text encoding based on page content, when this is possible. See this article for more information.

You can view what text encoding in used on the page in the General tab of Page Info window. (To open the Page Info window, go to the Menu barenable the Menu bar, click Tools and select Page Info from the drop-down menu).

Tip: You can also customize your Firefox toolbar to add a Repair Text Encoding button:

  1. Click the menu button Fx89menuButton, then click More tools and select Customize Toolbar…
    • A special tab will open, where you can drag and drop items in or out of the overflow menu and the toolbar.
  2. Drag the Repair Text Encoding button to the toolbar.
  3. Click Done.

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