Can I move or remove "Show All Bookmarks-BookmarksToolbar-EditThisBookmark-Suscribe to This Bookmark-UnsortedBookmarks", which I never use?
I never use these choices in the Bookmark menu:
Show All Bookmarks Bookmarks Toolbar Edit this Bookmark Suscribe to this Bookmark Unsorted Bookmarks
All but "Unsorted Bookmarks" occupy top billing. Preferably I would like to remove them from the menu, however if I could just put them at the bottom of the list, I would be satisfied.
"Bookmark This Page" is all I really want followed by my bookmarks. I rarely have more than 4 or 5 bookmarks that I often use. Sometimes if purchasing something, I will bookmark several screens until I make a decision, but I remove them all when I make a decision.
Thanks! :)
All Replies (2)
The Menu Wizard extension has a feature to allow the user to selectively hide many menu items. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/s3menu-wizard/
Is this about items in the bookmarks on the menu bar as the Bookmarks button (Show your bookmarks) next to the star on the Navigation Toolbar doesn't include "Bookmark This Page"?
Note that "Bookmark This Page" changes to "Edit This Bookmark" is the current page is bookmarked.
You can hide some items via code in the userChrome.css file.
Add code to the userChrome.css file below the default @namespace line.
@namespace url("https://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ /* items in Bookmarks menu */ #menu_bookmarkThisPage, #subscribeToPageMenuitem, #subscribeToPageMenupopup, #menu_bookmarkAllTabs, #bookmarksShowAll, #organizeBookmarksSeparator, #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu, #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu+menuseparator, #menu_unsortedBookmarks { display: none !important; } /* items in Bookmarks Menu button (Show your bookmarks) popup */ #BMB_viewBookmarksSidebar, #BMB_bookmarksShowAllTop, #BMB_bookmarksShowAll, #BMB_bookmarkThisPage, #BMB_subscribeToPageMenuitem, #BMB_subscribeToPageMenupopup, #BMB_subscribeToPageMenupopup+menuseparator, #BMB_bookmarksToolbar, #BMB_bookmarksToolbar+menuseparator, #BMB_unsortedBookmarks { display: none !important; }
The customization files userChrome.css (user interface) and userContent.css (websites) are located in the chrome folder in the Firefox profile folder.
- DOM Inspector: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/dom-inspector-6622/