Saved passwords and users could not use in firefox.
https://www.gfashion.com/en/ This website is important for me. I have saved all passwords and users info to firefox. When I login in , the username and password is empty.
Even if I click the username input box, the stored user list will not be displayed, but when I click the password box, the stored user password list can be displayed, which is unacceptable. I also tried in mobile version. It is the same thing.
I have used all the methods mentioned in Support, but still cannot solve the problem. But the website works well in Chrome and Edge. Although I like this software very much, I have to use it sparingly because it is troublesome to log in every time. I hope you can support this type of website, thank you.
All Replies (1)
There is a problem with this login form. The username field has attribute type= and not type='text' what is causing Firefox to ignore this username field as a login field as you can see if you right-click this field. The password field is working properly and has "Use Saved Password" in its context menu.
You can possibly use a JavaScript bookmarklet to fix the username field and change the type to 'text'. You can create a new bookmark on the Bookmarks Toolbar and paste the JavaScript code in its URL field where you would normally enter the address (URL) of the website. You need to click the username field to set focus to this input field and then click the bookmarklet button to invoke its JavaScript code. You should get an alert dialog that the input field is fixed and that you can close. You may have to use "Use Saved Login" in the right-click context menu of the username field.
javascript:/*LOGIN:fix-username-password*/(function(){var I=1,P=['<fixed-autocomplete>','<fixed-type>','<removed-pwd>','<created-pwd>'],Z=[];var A=document.activeElement,N=A.nodeName.toLowerCase(),E;if(N=='input'){if(A.getAttribute('autocomplete')=='new-password'){A.removeAttribute('autocomplete');Z.push(P[0])}if(!/^text|email|password$/.test(A.getAttribute('type'))){A.setAttribute('type','text');Z.push(P[1])}if(/^text|email$/.test(A.getAttribute('type'))){if(E=A.parentNode.querySelector('input[hidden][type=password]')){E.parentNode.removeChild(E);Z.push(P[2])}else{E=document.createElement('input');E.hidden='true';E.type='password';A.parentNode.appendChild(E);Z.push(P[3])}}}if(I){alert('active::'+N+(Z.length>0?'\n'+Z.join('\n'):': <not input>'))}})()