How do I disable the "Text Enhance" affiliate platform that is present on all my web surfing
When I use the Firefox browser to surf the web, on nearly every web page I visit an invasive advertising platform creates anchor links on the web pages (anchor keywords with two hyperlinks under the anchor word) which when clicked takes the viewer to an advertisement. Most of the links seem to be part of an advertising platform owned by "Text Enhance," which I have contacted to complain about. They sort of played dumb. I said I thought it was the result of some malware from which they were the sole beneficiary and they assured me they didn't instigate it. I went to the Warrior Forum and some members suggested it sounded like it came from one of your extensions or plugins. My security and technology consultant scrubbed my computer and they deleted some of your extensions and plugins and the problem went away. But two weeks later, it's back and it's pervasive. Even words in my online banking accounts are showing these text links.
Aside from security concerns, my biggest fear is that they are stealing traffic from the websites I publish--websites where I'm trying to sell either my own or affiliate products. And that upsets me greatly.
I'm sure I'm not the only web user experiencing this problem. If other web publishers are also getting their traffic stolen and directed to a competing site, you can bet that there will be a class action lawsuit on the horizon for Mozilla. So I suggest you get to the bottom of this situation and rectify it, because a lawsuit will be the inevitable result.
I don't mean to alarm you because I use Firefox as my primary browser. However, I checked IE and Chrome and Chrome is exhibiting the same situation. So I'm not really sure how this is happening, and that's why I'm contacting you about it.
Please let me know if you know how to de-activate this invasive pest.
Regards, Tom O'Boyle toboyle9@yahoo.com
Chosen solution
I eliminated it by removing the StartNow toolbar via: Tools > Add-Ons > Extensions
Edit: Please also see these great answers by EmailyDesarno
EmailyDesarno's post on page 2:
I searched Google and forums and they all say to go here to remove text enhance.
Most also say opting out will only bring you more spam, so I would not do that if experts are saying not to.
Sooo.. go to this website, it has the most info on this and I found it useful, I have no connection to them it's just to help. http://botcrawl.com/how-to-remove-text-enhance/
EmailyDesarno's post on page 3
That will cause more spam, it is not a solution.
I've already said it, all the solutions you need to remove Text Enhance are here:
Read this answer in context 👍 37All Replies (20)
See [/questions/871383]
You can click on the ? mark in the the ad that pops-up to opt out. Or just go this link http://optout.textsrv.com/optout.php which remembers your ip address to opt-out and disable the ads. After opting out close your browser and reopen again ads should no longer be showing.
If that does not work just block the url http://textsrv.com in internet options tool settings.
You can do that by clicking on tools in your toolbar then click on internet options/security/retricted sites/sites and then place the url http://textsrv.com in the add to the restricted sites field and your done
internet options/security/retricted sites/sites does not exist.
? mark in the the ad that pops-up has no effect at all
I can't help but think that mcchucker works for Text Enhance. This is a dreadful, harrassing, intrusive popup and the only solution I can think of is to NOT even try to open the underlined link once you see the popup because the originator of the text never did put in a hyperlink ... there is nothing there to see except the ad the popup wants you to respond to.
I run an E-commerce website and it is not fun to have people directed away from my site by this malicious nonsense who do I blame the perpetrators or the browser suppliers who allow these people to steal my business by directing people away from my site to competitors and non-associated sites? I hope Mozilla has a solution like Google. But the present version comes in a little download bundle of notepad ++ so avoid this like the plaugue.
No Because even if you opt out, that doesn't stop these people from directing others away from a legitimate E-commerce site trying to sell products online.
Exactly. I have quickly closed some interesting websites because I thought there was a real hyperlink to some real information, only to get the aggravating message that I have won something that I have to provide my email address to receive. At least now I know that, (if I'm right), the Text Enhance gremlin has simply chosen a random word in an otherwise innocent website and turned it into a link to itself, and I am not missing anything by simply ignoring the pop-up and moving on to the rest of the website's information.
Yes, I would love it if this pop-up could be eliminated altogether, but I don't have the skill or the patience to carry out some of the fixes suggested by those more technically inclined.
In my case it was Codec-C causing the problem - go to Tools|add ons in Firefox and delete Codec-C (100% malware - won't affect anything else apart from solving this problem).
Good luck
I went to control panel add or remove programs, and i found JetMP3, which I did not install. I removed it from my computer, and text enhance problems went away. So just search like I did and remove any unknown programs.
What happened to me was that this malware came with an audio converter, and installed itself as something called "I Want This!" It showed up in all my browsers, so I googled it. Here's what I found: http://wafflesatnoon.com/2011/10/05/seeing-unwanted-text-enhance-ads/ It solved the problem for me, hopefully for you too.
I, too, got rid of the text enhance problem by removing something on Add/Remove, just can't recall what it was I removed. No problems since then.
Removing CodecC worked for me. Thanks BigOrienteer! :)
I went to add or remove programs,and found what was called Jp3. I dont know what it was,but i removed it and the text enhance stopped.
Chosen Solution
I eliminated it by removing the StartNow toolbar via: Tools > Add-Ons > Extensions
Edit: Please also see these great answers by EmailyDesarno
EmailyDesarno's post on page 2:
I searched Google and forums and they all say to go here to remove text enhance.
Most also say opting out will only bring you more spam, so I would not do that if experts are saying not to.
Sooo.. go to this website, it has the most info on this and I found it useful, I have no connection to them it's just to help. http://botcrawl.com/how-to-remove-text-enhance/
EmailyDesarno's post on page 3
That will cause more spam, it is not a solution.
I've already said it, all the solutions you need to remove Text Enhance are here:
In addition to "codec C" there's also a "codec M". I had M but not C. Disable or uninstall it in the "Add-ons" window, then restart firefox and the damn thing is GONE, GONE ! HOORAY! ANOTHER WAY FOR GNOMES TO SAY "HOOOOOOOORAY"(pink floyd's first album-ha!)
I joined the support page here at Mozzilla to say I had the exact same problem with the same maleware. Cheers!
I found that if I disable Shockwave Flash - it is gone - but then I cannot watch certain videos until I enable it or download update. When I do... TextEnhance is back! WTF.. It is really annoying me now! I do not have any of the other add-ons that people are suggesting to use. Help! :(
I would love to know if there is a way that we can all band together and recruit as many people as we can through our contact lists, article submission, blogs etc and blast the hell out of these @#$%^ pirates and bring down their servers. I opted out but it did not go away. They are STEALING potential customers from my affiliate sites and I am really p'd off.
yes chrissimoon, i took that same advice - and suffered the same conciquence
THEN i switched to the 'extention' tab on my add-ons manager, and removed something called 'bflix 5.0'
that seems to have worked, also i swithched 'shockwave flash' back on, and all ok
hope this works for you?
I think I've sorted it out! I've downloaded THIS (AdBlock Plus)
And then this also Element Hiding Helper:
My problem was in Flash/Shockwave.. but if I disabled it I couldn't watch or view many things. This has sorted my problem with Text Enhance AND I can keep Flash enabled! :D
i found an extention by going into tools then add ons in msn ,mozilla and chrome called i want this disable or remove and the problem (so far) seems to have gone away, no more text enhance !