Marketing data settings in Firefox for iOS

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Создано: 1 неделя, 4 дня ago
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progressive rollout banner Firefox handles data with transparency—learn more about what that means for you. Read the Firefox Privacy Notice.

When you use Firefox for iOS, Mozilla shares limited data with marketing technology partners to help us understand how people discover and install our apps. This data helps Mozilla put ads to promote Firefox in the right places, measure the success of our advertising, and improve our marketing over time while respecting your privacy.

This article explains who Mozilla’s marketing technology partners are, what data is collected, and how it’s used. On iOS, marketing data is handled by Apple’s SKAdNetwork and cannot be disabled directly in Firefox.

Who are Mozilla’s marketing technology partners?

On iOS, Firefox relies on Apple’s SKAdNetwork, a privacy-preserving framework that provides marketing data about app installations; the data (that Apple cryptographically signs) doesn’t include any user or device specific data. SKAdNetwork does not allow users to opt out directly in Firefox, as it provides privacy preserving attribution which is entirely managed by Apple.

What data is collected and shared?

SKAdNetwork collects data, such as:

  • Which marketing campaign or app store link led to an app installation.
  • General installation and app usage details.

SKAdNetwork does not provide Mozilla with detailed interaction data or any user or device specific information.

How does Mozilla use this data?

Mozilla uses marketing data to:

  • Measure campaign performance: Determine when a campaign brings a new user to Firefox.
  • Improve marketing efforts: Refine how Mozilla promotes Firefox to reach more users.

Mozilla does not use marketing data to:

  • Track your browsing history, search queries, or the websites you visit.
  • Create individual user profiles or track individual user behavior.
  • Target you with personalized ads based on your activity in Firefox.
  • Sell your data to third parties or advertisers.
Mozilla’s data collection practices are based on our core values outlined in the Mozilla Manifesto. For more details, see the Firefox Privacy Notice.

Can I opt out?

Marketing data on iOS is handled by Apple’s SKAdNetwork and cannot be disabled within Firefox. To learn more, refer to Apple’s privacy settings.

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