Block cookie banners on Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android Last updated: 18% of users voted this helpful
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Since the development of stricter consumer privacy laws that specifically target the usage and retention of user data, like GDPR, websites have adopted legal notices to inform users that they are using technologies such as cookies to store data on the user's device. To address the increasing frustration caused by these cookie banners on websites, Firefox for Android version 121 introduces the Cookie Banner Blocker. This feature is designed to make your browsing experience smoother by taking care of these annoying banners automatically. In this article, we'll show you how it works now, and how we intend to expand on it in the future.

Block cookie banners on Firefox for Android in action

Why are cookie banners a problem?

Before we dive into the solution, let's understand why cookie banners can be a hassle:

  • Annoying prompts: Cookie banners, as you've likely experienced, can be quite annoying. They interrupt your browsing to ask a question that can often be confusing and irrelevant to your browsing, before allowing you to refocus on why you navigated to that site in the first place. Their goal being to create a sense of urgency, making it feel like you must choose between trading your data for access to the site, or navigating away in hopes of protecting your privacy.
  • Deceptive designs: Many websites employ tricky tactics when it comes to their cookie banners. They may design them in a way that makes it difficult for you to customize your settings. For example, they might make the Accept All Cookies button prominent, colorful, and appealing, while burying the Customize Settings option in small text or a less noticeable location. This design choice can be misleading, effectively nudging users towards accepting all cookies without considering the consequences.
  • Prompt fatigue: The sheer volume of cookie banners that users encounter daily can lead to what we call “prompt fatigue”. This phenomenon occurs when users are bombarded with these pop-ups so frequently that they ignore or mindlessly accept them without actually reading the contents or understanding the implications (assuming they are written in a manner that is easy to understand in the first place). Sites effectively betting that you would trade your data to save you the several seconds of your life it takes to opt out over and over again. In this environment, the websites that employ the most deceptive patterns gain an unfair advantage, as they effectively exploit this fatigue to get you to hand over your data, even when it is not needed.

How it works

The Cookie Banner Blocker on Firefox for Android uses two methods:

  • Cookie Injection: This method involves setting an “opt-out” cookie whenever possible. Think of it like a digital note that tells the website, I don't want to see this banner again. It's a preemptive way of getting rid of those banners before they even have a chance to appear.
  • Auto Click CSS Selector: In cases where setting an opt-out cookie isn't an option, the Cookie Banner Blocker uses another technique. It effectively clicks on the banner's decline or reject option in a way that mimics what you might do manually. This action dismisses the banner as if you made a choice yourself.

To summarize, the cookie banner blocker functions as an automated assistant that manages intrusive cookie banners. It either proactively informs the website of your decision to opt out or automatically clicks to remove them on your behalf. This allows you to minimize the time spent managing cookie preferences and focus more on browsing.

Which banners are blocked?

The Cookie Banner Blocker works by using a careful selection of websites that we've put together. We've compiled this list by considering the most frequently visited sites in our key regions to have the broadest impact. We're actively working to expand this coverage by incorporating support for consent management platforms and other top sites we haven’t gotten to yet.

Get started

Visit supported websites

  • The Cookie Banner Blocker works on websites that have a decline option in their cookie banners.

Automatic decline

  • When you visit a supported website, if the banner has a decline option, Firefox will automatically decline it for you.

Enjoy the benefits

  • You can now browse without the interruption of annoying cookie banners.

Customize your experience

To enable or disable the Cookie Banner Blocker:

  1. Open Firefox and tap the menu button android menu icon next to the address bar.
  2. Select Settings.

Scroll to the Privacy and security section.

  1. Look for the Cookie Banner Blocker in private browsing option.
  2. Toggle the switch on or off as needed (purple means enabled, gray means disabled).
Block cookie banners on Firefox for Android enable/disable

Integrated cookie protections

Firefox has additional cookie protections that work seamlessly with the Cookie Banner Blocker:

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