Clear recent searches from the Search bar

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Firefox includes a Search bar on the New Tab page, an Address bar that you can use to enter search terms and an optional Search bar located to the right of the Address bar. When you search the Web with Firefox, the Search history can grow quite large over time. This article explains how to clear items from your Firefox Search history.

Clearing all search items

  1. Click the menu Fx89menuButton button, click History and select Clear recent history… from the History menu.
  2. From the Time range to clear:When: dropdown menu, select Everything.
  3. Make sure that Form & Search HistoryHistory is checked, and remove check marks for any items you don't want to clear.
    History dialog
  4. Click the Clear NowClear button to finish.

Clearing individual search items

To clear individual items from the Search history, click on the Address bar or Search bar input field where you have entered a search term. Press the and keys to scroll the list of items. To delete the highlighted item, press Shift + Delete.

  • If you have problems deleting a search item using the optional Search bar, you can type the search term into the Address bar and select the item you wish to delete from the drop-down list.


You can then click the three-dot icon on the right and select Remove from history.

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