Receive notifications in MDN Plus

MDN Plus MDN Plus Naposledy aktualizovaný: 90% používateľov považuje toto za užitočné
Tento článok zatiaľ nikto nepreložil. Ak máte s prekladmi na SUMO skúsenosti, môžete ho teraz preložiť. Ak by ste sa chceli dozvedieť, ako sa články na SUMO prekladajú, začnite prosím tu.

Get notifications for the latest developments on MDN and in our Android and iOS apps. You can watch MDN Plus content and get customizable notifications when documentation changes, CSS features launch and APIs ship.

You can receive up to three notifications with MDN Core. MDN Plus 5 and MDN Supporter 10 include unlimited notifications.

When you watch a page, MDN Plus sends you notifications for significant events relating to that page. For example, you’ll receive a notification when there’s a major update to the content of the page. If a page has a browser compatibility table, then you can subscribe to notifications for web platform feature events such as:

  • New and upcoming browser support
  • Removed browser support
  • New subfeatures
  • Fixes to missing support data

Opt into notifications for a page

To get notifications for a page:

  1. Visit a page in MDN Plus.
  2. Click Watch and select Watch page.

When there are notifications, they’ll appear in the user menu on any MDN page or in the notifications list.

Stop watching a page

To stop watching a page:

  1. Visit the page you want to stop watching.
  2. Click Watching and select Stop watching.

View pages you’re watching

To view pages you’re watching and receiving notifications for, go to your watch list.

Star a notification and review it

To save a notification for later:

  1. Go to the notifications page.
  2. Click the Star icon next to the notification you want to save.

To see a list of starred notifications:

  1. Go to the notifications page.
  2. Click Starred.

About your notifications inbox

The user menu on MDN pages shows a dot when you have notifications. You can review all of your read, unread and starred notifications from the notifications list. Only the most-recent 5,000 notifications are kept in your inbox. Older notifications may be deleted.

Títo dobrí ľudia pomohli napísať tento článok:

Illustration of hands

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