Telemetry collection- Windows default browser trends

Firefox Firefox Naposledy aktualizovaný: 09/09/2021 33% používateľov považuje toto za užitočné
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This article refers to a scheduled task that only applies to Firefox Windows users.

This article explains one example of how Firefox collects and uses telemetry data. In Firefox version 75, Firefox launched a new scheduled task for Windows, this is a small check that runs in the background to get telemetry data. As with all other telemetry related changes here at Mozilla, this scheduled task has gone through our data review, a process designed with user choice and privacy at its core.

What does this task do?

This is a Windows-only scheduled task that runs in the background once a day for each installation of Firefox you have installed. This task collects information related to the system’s current and previous default browser setting (this is the browser Windows will use to open a website link) and the operating system locale and version. This data cannot be associated with regular profile-based telemetry data.

Why is this data collected?

Collecting telemetry is one way we’re able to ensure we can understand default browser trends in a way that helps us improve Firefox. It’s our hope that by better understanding more about our users and their choices around browser preferences, we can continue to build a better Firefox.

Can I opt out of this data collection?

Yes, all Firefox data collection is optional and you can opt out at any time in your Firefox preferences. If you use an Enterprise version of Firefox we also respect custom enterprise telemetry related policy settings if they exist, including to disabling this task.

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