Windows 10 warns me to use a "Microsoft-verified" app

Firefox Firefox Naposledy aktualizovaný: 1 day, 16 hours ago 45% používateľov považuje toto za užitočné
Naši prispievatelia pracujú na preklade tohto článku. Kým však nebude preklad dokončený, môžete nájsť pomoc v anglickej verzii. V prípade, že nám chcete pomôcť s prekladom článkov, kliknite sem.

In certain versions of Windows 10, you may receive a notification with a warning about Microsoft-verified apps when you run the Firefox installer.

use a Microsoft verified app

Any copy of Firefox downloaded from is safe to install, so choose "Install anyway".

If you do not see the option to “Install anyway”, follow the steps below to change your system settings.

  1. Open the Windows 10 start menu and select Start settings in-line image .
  2. Click on Apps in the Windows Settings menu.
    w10 Apps settings
  3. In the w10 Apps and features section go to Choose where to get apps, click on the dropdown menu below and select one of the options that allows you to install from Anywhere.
    w10 Choose where to get apps
  4. Run the Firefox Installer again. Your Windows may now allow it to install Firefox.

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