Create an email mask through Firefox Relay

Firefox Relay Firefox Relay Zadnja posodobitev: 3 weeks, 3 days ago 66 % uporabnikov je to označilo za koristno
Nihče še ni pomagal prevesti tega članka. Če že veste, kako deluje lokalizacija SUMO, začnite prevajati zdaj. Če se želite naučiti prevajati članke za SUMO, prosimo, začnite tukaj.

Once you’ve installed Relay, you’ll see an option to create a mask on email fields and web forms. You can generate up to five email masks.

We don’t recommend using masks when you need your identity verified or for very important emails or those where you must receive attachments. For example, you’d want to share your true email address with your bank, your doctor, and your lawyer, as well as when receiving concert or flight boarding passes.

Auto-fill forms with a mask

The Relay icon will appear in the email field when you visit an online form. Click it to generate an email mask or to see a list of recently used masks.

Create mask 1

If the Relay icon doesn't show up, right-click on the email field and select Generate New mask.

Create mask 2

Create and block promotional emails from a new generated mask

If you are creating a new mask with Relay Premium and want to block promotional emails from the get go, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the Generate new mask button.
    Generate new mask
  3. Enter desired mask name text, then click the Generate mask button.
    generate mask button
  4. Click the Start blocking promotional emails checkbox.
    Checkbox no promo

Create and copy masks via the Relay extension

  1. Access the Relay extension by clicking the Relay icon on the add-ons tray.
    Create mask 3
  2. Select Generate random mask.
    Create mask 4
  3. Click the copy icon (copy_vista.png) by the mask you just created to copy it to the clipboard.
    Create mask 5
  4. Paste the mask into the email field of a website.
    Create mask 6

Create and copy masks via the Relay dashboard

  1. Access the Relay dashboard at, or by clicking the Relay icon in the add-ons tray.
  2. Select the Generate new mask option.
    Generate new mask
  3. Click the copy icon (copy_vista.png) by the mask you just created to copy it to the clipboard.
    Create mask 8
  4. Paste the mask into the email field of a website.
    Create mask 6

All set! Check Quickly access previously generated masks for next steps.

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