Deploy Firefox on macOS using PKG and Jamf

Firefox for Enterprise Firefox for Enterprise Zadnja posodobitev: 61 % uporabnikov je to označilo za koristno
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This article is intended for IT administrators who wish to set up Firefox on the computers within their organization.

Download the macOS .pkg for the release version and language you want to deploy:

  1. Browse to
  2. Navigate to the release version directory (e.g. "72.0.2").
  3. Navigate to the "mac" platform directory.
  4. Navigate to the language directory (e.g. "en-US").

For example:

Once the .pkg is downloaded:

  1. Log in to Jamf Now.
  2. Click the Apps tab.
  3. Click Add an App.
  4. Click Upload Your App.
  5. Drag and drop the PKG file into the upload page or click Browse to search for it on your computer.

Once the file successfully uploads, it will appear on your Apps page and is ready for deployment via Blueprint. For additional details from Jamf, see

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