Firefox for Enterprise 94 - Release notes

Firefox for Enterprise Firefox for Enterprise Ustvarjeno: 50 % uporabnikov je to označilo za koristno
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Except where noted, everything here applies to both Firefox 94 and the Firefox 91.3 ESR.


  • We now provide an MSIX for Firefox. It can be download via this link. We do not provide an MSIX for the ESR (yet).
  • In Firefox 91 and Firefox ESR 78.12, we changed the DisplayName in the uninstall data for Firefox on Windows to not include the version. This was done to make it easier to write scripts that use this value without having to change it for every release. We forgot to document this in previous release notes.


  • The Pocket option in the FirefoxHome policy was not disabling the checkbox in preferences. This was fixed in bug 1729001..

Special Notes

  • The Firefox 78 ESR is the last version of Firefox that supports Flash. The last version of that ESR will be 78.15 which is scheduled to be released on 2021-10-05. This means that Flash will officially be out of support on Firefox when the Firefox 78 ESR reaches EOL on 2021-11-02.
  • The Firefox 78 ESR is the last version of Firefox that supports macOS versions < 10.12.

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