How to obtain a shortened link

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Nihče še ni pomagal prevesti tega članka. Če že veste, kako deluje lokalizacija SUMO, začnite prevajati zdaj. Če se želite naučiti prevajati članke za SUMO, prosimo, začnite tukaj.

To save character when replying to a support question on social media or Play Store review, you can shorten the link of your reference article. Here is how to get a shortened link. link only generated when the original link is from a Mozilla domain.

How to find link for an article links are generated automatically for kb article URLs without language code. This is to make sure that the person would be redirected to the localized version based on their browser locale.

  1. Go to the article page (in any SUMO locale).
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the article text.
  3. Copy the URL after Share this article:.
    If you don't see this line under a SUMO article, your adblocker may be responsible.
  4. Paste the shortened link in your answer.

How to generate link

If you need to shorten a link for a specific locale, another SUMO page, or any page in the Mozilla domain, you can generate online a shortened link on the Bitly website.

  1. Go to
    You should not be logged into your personal Bitly account.
  2. Paste the link you want to shorten into the Shorten your link field below.
  3. If it's a SUMO page, make sure to copy the link of the English version, but remove the en-US/ part from the URL. This is to make sure that the person would be redirected to the localized version based on their browser locale.
  4. Click Shorten. Bitly will recognize that the destination belongs to Mozilla and provide you with a shortened link.
  5. Click Copy to copy the shortened link.
  6. Paste the shortened link in your answer.
To learn more about linking support articles, see A guide to linking to support articles.

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