How to enable Windows SSO login in Firefox

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This article only applies to Firefox on Windows.

Windows single sign-on (SSO) is a new Firefox feature that allows you to log in to Microsoft, work, and school accounts using credentials from your Windows 10 or 11 operating system. To enable it, click the Firefox menu Fx89menuButton button, click Settings, select Privacy & Security on the left, go down to the Logins and Passwords section and check the box next to the Allow Windows single sign-on ... setting.

Windows SSO PreferenceFx111LoginsAndPasswords-WindowsSSO

Note: This feature is available to Windows 10 and Windows 11 users starting in Firefox version 91. It may be expanded to other Windows users in a future release.

To see if you have any accounts configured, enter accounts in the Windows taskbar search field, and click on Email & accounts. You'll see a window that looks like this:

Windows Email & Accounts Windows 11 Email & Accounts

If you have accounts in the Accounts used by other apps section, Firefox will use that information to log you in to Microsoft sites including Outlook and Office 365, as well as any work or school accounts that use Microsoft authentication.

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