how to remove alarm noise?
everytime i open firefox..a sound starts like an alarm...this happened just now..
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
== just tonight
Vsi odgovori (20)
I disabled Cool Preview .. sound stopped .. but I want that addon. When can I turn it back on
I'm thinking it's a virus???
same problem, just occured on win xp
Same problem, I also disabled cool preview and the alarm stopped. What's going on? I'm on a MacBook Pro
I have a weird alarm sound whenever I open Firefox. It sounds like simplistic electronic music at first then it morphs into a siren sound. A Norton Quick Scan turned up nothing. I'm doing a full system scan now. The sound continues unabated as long as the browser is open. It stops as soon as the browser is closed.
I thought it was a pop-up mario bro game.
i just disable cool preview as told but a love that addon
After disabling cool preview the sound was turned off.
Had the same problem...took off cool preview and sound stopped.
I have the same problem -pleasant music followed by a not so pleasant alarm. Doesn't happen with Explrer.
Google's homepage is hosting Pacman.
Jesus christ, what is wrong with this board?
i had the same problem. i have windows 7 ultimate .i also deactivate cool preview and stopped.
.can someone tell what happened ? . wrong version ? bug ? ....
I have same problem ...disable cooliris,then removed still have noise..running Mac
I disabled CoolPreviews .. sound stopped .. but I want that add on again.
seriously - wtf? this alarm is annoying!!
I posted earlier about this alarm sound. What is cool preview and how do I turn it off? Is it an add-on? I don't see it listed on my computer. I'm still having the problem.
When you are in Firefox ... go to Tools ... clk on addons and disable Cool Preview. Apparently you have it or you wouldn't be hearing the alarm sound. I wish I knew when it was going to stop so I could enable it again.
Cool previews problem confirmed... I disable the cool previews addon and it stopped...
there might be a relation to Google Earth.. I removed Ffox and reinstalled.. after I reinstalled Ffox.. and used Google Earth again.. same problem again.. Makes me angry.. but that is useless...
just forgot to say..after my reinstall of Firefox.. this noise was gone!!!!! So the problem might be Google Earth.....