Send webpages to your TV from Firefox for Android with Chromecast

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This article applies to the latest version of Firefox for Android. Please update your version first to enjoy these features.

Firefox for Android lets you view webpages on a bigger screen. After you've set up Chromecast on your TV and connected it to the same WiFi network as your Android device, all it takes are a few taps:

  1. Launch Firefox on your Android device and open the webpage you want to mirror.
  2. Tap on the menu button The template "androidmenulocation" does not exist or has no approved revision., select Tools, and then Mirror Tab.
    tab mirror chromecast
  3. On the Send to Device prompt, choose your Chromecast device.
    send to chromecast
  4. To stop mirroring the tab, tap on the menu button and then select Stop Mirror.
Videos: Firefox for Android also makes it possible to view Web videos on your TV. See Use Firefox for Android to send videos to Chromecast to get started.

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