Support forum - How to follow up

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Following up an issue

The answers you give may not be correct, or the user may have some follow up questions for you. In either case, it's useful to both you and the user that your conversation continues. You are subscribed to threads by default, meaning that you will get e-mail notifications whenever someone replies. You may also find the list of threads you posted in useful.

Chosen solution

Solves the problem Once their question has been solved, the user can choose which answer actually helped them to solve their problem by choosing an answer as a solution. If you believe that your answer has solved their problem, you can ask the OP to mark your answer as a solution since they probably are not aware that they can do that. This can also be done by a forum moderator.

Complete Forum Support Guidelines

Are you interested in supporting Firefox (and other Mozilla's products) users by answering support questions? Please follow these guidelines that will help explain how we do things:

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