Turn push notifications on or off in Firefox for iOS

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Направљено: 27% of users voted this helpful
Нико није превео овај чланак. Ако знате како ради SUMO локализација, започните превођење сада. Ако желите да научите да преводите чланке за SUMO, молимо започните овде.

You can control push notifications for Firefox through your phone or tablet's settings.

Turn notifications on or off

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Scroll down to your list of apps and choose Firefox.
  3. Tap Notifications.
  4. Tap the switch next to Allow Notifications to turn it on (green: greenbutton) or off.
    allow notifications

From here, you can also change your notification style and other options, such as showing or hiding previews.

Ови добри људи су помогли у састављању овог чланка:

Illustration of hands


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