Add a secondary email address to Mozilla accounts

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You can associate a secondary email address to your Mozilla account as a backup, in case you lose access to your primary email address.

  1. Click the menu button Fx89menuButton to open the menu panel.
  2. Click your Mozilla account name or email address (you may need to sign in first).
  3. After you've signed in, click Manage Account. Your Mozilla account settings page will open.
  4. Next to Secondary email, click the Add… button.
  5. Enter a new email address in the Secondary email text field and click the Add button.
  6. Follow the instructions in your verification email to confirm your second email address.
  7. The Make primary button will now show up under Secondary email. If you want, you can click this button to change it to your primary email address. (You might have to sign out and sign back in to your Mozilla account on your mobile devices in order for Firefox to display your new primary email.)
Note: To change your primary email address, see Change the primary email address on your Mozilla account.

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