File a bug report or feature request for Mozilla products

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In Mozilla Support (, a.k.a. SUMO), you can ask a support question or get help with product troubleshooting. However, to report a bug or defect, you should go to either Bugzilla or GitHub. Alternatively, if you would like to request a new feature, submit feedback or discuss ideas that will help shape future product releases, you should go to Mozilla Connect.

Where to file a bug report or request a feature?

To understand about where you can submit bugs or feedback for each product, please see the table below:

Product name Bug report Feature request
Firefox Bugzilla Mozilla Connect
Firefox for Android Bugzilla Mozilla Connect
Firefox for iOS GitHub Mozilla Connect
Firefox Focus Bugzilla (Focus for Android)
GitHub (Focus for iOS)
Mozilla Connect
MDN Plus GitHub GitHub
Hubs GitHub GitHub
Thunderbird Bugzilla Mozilla Connect
Thunderbird for Android GitHub GitHub -

In addition to Mozilla's products, you can also submit bug or feature request for extensions that Mozilla created and maintains:

Extension name Bug report Feature request
Multi-Account Containers GitHub Mozilla Connect
Facebook Container GitHub Mozilla Connect

How to file a good bug report?

Read this bug writing guideline to learn how to file a good bug report.

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