Firefox for iOS won't load web pages

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Senast uppdaterad: 7% av användarna tyckte att det här var hjälpsamt
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If a website isn’t loading even after you’ve checked your Internet connection, here are a few things you can try:

Entire page isn’t loading

  • Reload the web page: Sometimes, loading gets interrupted because of connection problems.
  • Close the current tab and open the same page in a new tab.

Parts of the page are missing or broken

  • View the desktop version: Some sites haven’t been built to work perfectly on mobile. You can view the desktop version of the site by following the steps in Viewing Desktop Sites on Firefox for iOS.
  • Switch to Standard mode: The Strict tracking protection mode might be blocking tracking elements, causing the site to break. Switching to Standard mode usually allows these elements to show up again. See Enhanced Tracking Protection in Firefox for iOS for details.
Report Site Issue: If none of these options work, report the issue to us, so we can continue to improve Firefox. (See Report Site Issues on Firefox for iOS.)

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