How do I cancel my subscription to Mozilla VPN?

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At any point, you have the option to terminate your Mozilla VPN subscription. By doing so, the auto-renewal feature will be disabled and your VPN service will cease to function upon the conclusion of your subscription period. Canceling your subscription won't delete your Mozilla account. In case you don't have other Mozilla services linked to your Mozilla account and wish to delete it, check How do I delete my Mozilla account? for details.

On the Web

  1. Visit your Paid Subscription settings on the Mozilla accounts page.
  2. SelectCancel button orManage button next to the Mozilla VPN subscription.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete your cancellation.

On the Mozilla VPN application

Manage your subscription through the VPN app by doing the following:

  1. Open Mozilla VPN.
  2. Select the SettingsVPN extension settings icon icon.
  3. Select the Account option.
    Account vpn
  4. The panel that opens next displays more details about your subscription (you may have to sign in first).
  5. At the bottom, select Manage subscription.
    Manage subscription button
  6. Your Mozilla accounts Subscriptions page will open.
    • For Google or Apple subscription, the Subscriptions Management page will open for that respective store.
  7. Locate and select the cancellation option for the Mozilla VPN subscription.

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