Saving to Pocket from Apple News

Pocket Pocket Senast uppdaterad: 06/19/2024
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Saving to Pocket from Apple News is just as easy as saving from any other app. Continue reading to learn how to save to Pocket from Apple News.

Enabling the Pocket Share Extension on iOS

If you have not yet done so, you’ll need to enable the Pocket Share Extension to save to Pocket from your share menu. This will allow you to save links from Apple News (and many other apps) to Pocket. Click here to learn how to enable the Pocket share extension.

Saving from Apple News on iPhone and iPad

There are two ways to save to Pocket in Apple News:

  1. When browsing articles, press and hold on an article, tap Share and select Pocket.
  2. When viewing an article, tap the Share button and select Pocket.

Saving from Apple News on Mac

Open an article you'd like to save to Pocket, and save it follow the steps listed here.

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