Searching in Pocket for Android

Pocket Pocket Senast uppdaterad: 10/15/2023 75% av användarna tyckte att det här var hjälpsamt
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To search in Pocket, look for the search option at the top of your List and Archive.

Searching in Pocket for Android 1

Type in your search in the search bar, or choose a reading time length if you're looking for items in your list that meet a specific reading length. This is a great way to filter by your longer reads that you've been saving up, or find something shorter to read when you're short on time.

Searching in Pocket for Android 2

Working with your Search Results

Tap the filter button next to the search bar to switch your sort order: newest first, oldest first, shortest to read or longest to read. You can toggle between viewing your search results in your List and in your Archive

Full-Text Search with Pocket Premium

Pocket Premium offers access to several powerful search features, including:

  • Search the entire article text by keyword, tag, topic, and author
  • Search across your List and Archive at the same time
  • Sort results by relevance
  • See recent searches

Learn more about Full-Text search and subscribe to Pocket Premium.

Ways to sort your List and Archive

Tap the sort options button to the right of the search bar and you'll see the following options to sort your List and Archive: newest saved, oldest saved, shortest to read, and longest to read. Use these options to reshuffle your saved items and rediscover what you've been adding to your Pocket.

Searching in Pocket for Android 3

Common Questions

Search results for free accounts are limited to article Titles and URLs. If you prefer to have more comprehensive search, consider upgrading to Pocket Premium to access Full-Text Search and many more powerful features to maximize your Pocket experience.

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