Unlink your Google or Apple ID from your Mozilla account

Firefox, Mozilla Account Firefox, Mozilla Account Senast uppdaterad: 10/29/2023 31% av användarna tyckte att det här var hjälpsamt
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If you no longer want to use your Google or Apple account to sign in to your Mozilla account, you can unlink it in your Mozilla account settings. Before you do, if you have not already set a password for your Mozilla account, you will be prompted to set one so you have a way of signing in.

To unlink your Google or Apple account and set a new password:

  1. Go to your account settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Linked Accounts section, and click Unlink.
    Linked accounts settings
  3. Click Set password in the notification window that appears if you have not already set a password for your Mozilla account.
    Unlink account - set password
    • Create your new account password and click Save.
    You’ll be redirected back to the settings page. In the Linked Accounts section, click Unlink again next to the account you want to remove.
  4. Click Unlink in the notification window that appears.

Unlink account notification


  • Unlinking your Google or Apple account from your Mozilla account will not sign you out of any of the connected Mozilla services. To do that, you’ll need to manually sign out under Connected Services.
  • Unlinking your Google or Apple account from your Mozilla account will not sign you out of your Google or Apple account in your browser. To do that, you’ll need to go to Google or Apple directly to sign out of your Google or Apple account.

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