View recent tabs on your Firefox for iOS homepage

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Your personalized homepage on Firefox for iOS makes it easy for you to pick up where you left off after your last browser session. In the Jump Back In section, you can access your two most recent tabs. You can also tap Show All in the Jump Back In section to view all open tabs, all open Private Browsing tabs and all open Synced Tabs.

FX iOS homepage jump back in

View and manage open tabs

  1. Tap Show All in the Jump Back In section.
  2. All open tabs on your iOS will appear in the Tab icon - Mobile Tabs tab.
  3. Tap the tab preview to access the open tab.
  4. Tap picture-in-picture close control to close the tab.
  5. Swipe down to go back to your homepage.

View and manage open Private Browsing tabs

  1. Tap Show All in the Jump Back In section.
  2. Tap the Private Browsing fxios 13 pb icon at the top of the screen.
  3. Tap the tab preview to access the open tab.
  4. Tap picture-in-picture close control to close the tab.
  5. Swipe down to go back to your homepage.

View and manage open Synced tabs

  1. Tap Show All in the Jump Back In section.
  2. Tap the Synced Firefox iOS 39 Synced icon icon at the top of the screen.
  3. Tap the tab preview to access the open tab.
  4. Tap picture-in-picture close control to close the tab.
  5. Swipe down to go back to your homepage.

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