What is my Pocket email address?

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To log in to Pocket, you will need to know the email address that was entered when signing up. If you're not sure which email address you used when signing up for Pocket, here are some ways to find out:

Pocket on your Computer

If you have been using your Pocket account on your computer, it's likely that you are still logged in. To check, visit your Pocket Account Page. If you are still logged in, you will see a page with your account details, including your email address.

Pocket for iPhone and iPad

If you're using Pocket on an iOS device (iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch), you can find your email address in Settings. To do so:

  1. Open Pocket.
  2. Open the menu at the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Look for Edit Account – your Pocket email address will be listed here.

Pocket for Android and Kindle Fire

If you're using Pocket on Android or a Kindle Fire, you can find your email address in Settings. To do so:

  1. Open Pocket.
  2. Tap the Overflow button (three vertical dots at the top right corner of the screen).
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Look for Edit Account – your email address will be listed here.

Pocket Browser Extensions

Google Chrome

If you use the Save to Pocket extension for Google Chrome, you can find your email address if you visit the Options page. Here’s how:

  1. Right-click (or control-click) the Pocket button, and select Options.
  2. Here, you will see your email address next to the text that says “Logged in as:”.

You can also access Options for the Pocket extension by visiting your browser’s Extensions page. From here, find the Save to Pocket extension and click the Options link.


If you use Save to Pocket Extension for Safari, you can find your email address if you visit the Options page. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Safari menu at the top of your screen, and select Preferences.
  2. Go to the Extensions tab, and select Save to Pocket.
  3. Check the box for Click me to show Pocket settings.
  4. Here, you will see your email address next to the text that says “Logged in as:”.


If you use Pocket in Firefox, the Pocket toolbar button is tied to the Pocket website. To see what account you’re logged into, just open Firefox and visit your Pocket Account Page, where you will find your account details, including your email address.

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