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Ever since I logged into a Firefox account, Firefox has begun forgetting sessions and forgets to automatically put my Youtube videos in Theater Mode

I never had any of these issues before I had signed into a Firefox account and as stupid as it sounds, I kinda accidentally signed into my Firefox account with intending … (läs mer)

I never had any of these issues before I had signed into a Firefox account and as stupid as it sounds, I kinda accidentally signed into my Firefox account with intending to, I had just downloaded Firefox on my laptop and wanted to sync my other devices with my home PC.

But ever since I logged onto said account, it has just acted strangely. Never saves sessions even though when I look back at previous history, it remembers all the tabs and sites I've had opened. And it also entirely forgets my YouTube settings, never putting it in Theater Mode from the start like it used to.

Hope somebody has some answers or something, it's been over a week like this and nothing has helped so far.

Frågat av rtanggaard04 9 timmar sedan

FireFox blocking connection

Hello, FireFox keep blocking access to one of my Websites. I am getting this message: Can you please help? Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue Firefox detected a … (läs mer)

Hello, FireFox keep blocking access to one of my Websites. I am getting this message: Can you please help?

Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue

Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to because this website requires a secure connection.

What can you do about it? has a security policy called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), which means that Firefox can only connect to it securely. You can’t add an exception to visit this site.

Probably nothing, since it’s likely there’s a problem with the site itself.

Frågat av Hamlet Zadourian 4 dagar sedan