Firefox for Enterprise 122 - Release notes

Firefox for Enterprise Firefox for Enterprise Last updated: 63% of users voted this helpful
Hakuna mtu amewasaidia kutafsiri makala hii bado. Kama tayari wajua jinsi ya ujabinishaji wa SUMO hufanya kazi, waweza kuanza kutafsiri sasa. Kama unataka kujifunza jinsi ya kutafsiri makala kwa Sumo, tafadhali anzia hapa.

Except where noted, everything here applies to both Firefox 122 and the Firefox 115.7 ESR.


  • The Preferences policy has been updated to allow setting preferences beginning with the prefix alerts.. These are used for making changes related to native notifications.
  • The FirefoxHome policy has been updated to reflect that the Snippets option is now deprecated. This only applies to Firefox 122.

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