Manage your Mozilla account newsletter and email preferences

Mozilla Account Mozilla Account Last updated: 40% of users voted this helpful
Hakuna mtu amewasaidia kutafsiri makala hii bado. Kama tayari wajua jinsi ya ujabinishaji wa SUMO hufanya kazi, waweza kuanza kutafsiri sasa. Kama unataka kujifunza jinsi ya kutafsiri makala kwa Sumo, tafadhali anzia hapa.

You can change your Mozilla account email preferences to receive the emails that are of most interest to you, or to unsubscribe from email communications.

To update your Mozilla account email preferences

  1. Go to your Mozilla account settings (you may need to sign in first).
  2. Click Email Communications on the left side of the page. A new page will open and you may need to sign in again.
  3. In the email preferences section on the right side of the page, check the box(es) next to the type of emails and communications you wish to receive or check the box for Remove me from all the subscriptions on this page to opt out of all emails.
  4. Click Save Preferences.

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