I have trouble accepting my renewal offer for Monitor Plus

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If you have disabled the automatic renewal of your annual Monitor Plus subscription, we may offer you a discount to renew it. You’ll see a pop-up on your Monitor settings page with the renewal offer. Below you can find steps to resolve common issues users experience when trying to accept this offer.

Couldn’t renew your subscription. Try again

What it means: This error occurs when there's an issue processing your payment. It may happen if your payment method is incorrect, expired, or declined.

What you can do:

  1. Verify your payment information:
    • Check the Paid Subscriptions page to see if the card details (number, expiration date, CVV) are correct.
    • Update your payment method if necessary.
  2. Try a different payment method:
    • Use an alternative card or payment method if the issue persists.
  3. Contact your bank:
    • Reach out to your bank to confirm the transaction isn't blocked or flagged as suspicious.

Discount valid for current Monitor Plus customers

What it means: This discount is offered exclusively to active Monitor Plus users whose annual subscriptions are about to expire. If you don't meet these conditions, the discount won't apply.

What you can do: Check the Paid Subscriptions page to see when your Monitor Plus subscription is near its expiration date. Discounts cannot be reactivated once expired.

Your Monitor Plus subscription is still active

What it means: This discount is only available to users with annual subscriptions that are near expiration without automatic renewal enabled. If your subscription is active with auto-renewal, you won’t qualify for the discount.

What you can do: Open the Paid Subscriptions page and check your subscription status. You can tell the subscription is active based on the “Next bill” date shown.

Discount code already applied

What it means: The discount code has already been used on your account. Each code is valid for a single use only.

What you can do:

  • Check your most recent invoice to see if the discount was applied correctly. These are sent via email following renewal.
  • If you believe this message is incorrect, contact Mozilla support for assistance.

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