Firefox for Enterprise 101 - Release notes

Firefox for Enterprise Firefox for Enterprise Oluşturma: 05/30/2022 100% kullanıcı bunu faydalı buldu
Bu makaleyi çevirmeye henüz kimse yardımcı olmadı. SUMO'da nasıl çeviri yapıldığını zaten biliyorsanız hemen çevirmeye başlayabilirsiniz. SUMO'daki makaleleri nasıl çevireceğinizi öğrenmek isterseniz buradan başlayabilirsiniz.

See what's coming out with Firefox for Enterprise 101.

Except where noted, everything here applies to both Firefox 101 and the Firefox 91.10 ESR.

Bug Fixes

  • Locking the preferences browser.newtabpage.enabled did not disable the new tab dropdown in about:preferences. This was fixed in bug 1711719.
  • The command line option --disable-pinch was added so zooming could be disabled in kiosk mode.
  • In Firefox 101, a new preference, print.prefer_system_dialog, was added to print using the system dialog and not the new print preview. This will be available as a policy in Firefox 102.


Special Notes

Firefox 102 is the next ESR and will be released on June 28, 2022. Going forward, we will not be backporting as many things to the Firefox 91 ESR.

There are two more planned releases of Firefox 91 ESR and then it will go out of support on September 20, 2022. Users will then be automatically upgraded to the Firefox 102 ESR.

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