Report Site Issues on Firefox for iOS

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Son güncelleme: 17% kullanıcı bunu faydalı buldu
Bu makaleyi çevirmeye henüz kimse yardımcı olmadı. SUMO'da nasıl çeviri yapıldığını zaten biliyorsanız hemen çevirmeye başlayabilirsiniz. SUMO'daki makaleleri nasıl çevireceğinizi öğrenmek isterseniz buradan başlayabilirsiniz.

You can report website issues directly from your browser if you think a site is down or not working properly. These are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Tap the page actions button (three dots) to the right of the address bar.
    menu ios 33
  2. Tap Report Site Issue.
    report site issue ios 33

You will be taken to another website where some of the information of the site you're reporting will be automatically completed for you. There's still some information you will be asked to provide:

  • Web Address: This section will be automatically filled for you.
  • Issue: Select the option that best describes your issue.
  • Details: In this screen, you will indicate the version of iOS you were running when you encountered the issue.
  • Testing: Indicate if you have tested the site that you are reporting on a different browser or Firefox only.
  • Screenshot: Optionally, you can submit a screenshot along with your report.
  • Send Report: Choose if you'd like to report the site anonymously.

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