jscher2000 - Support Volunteer (jscher2000)
Silicon Valley, United States
- 6 questions
- 93899 answers
- 11341 solutions
- 57 documents
About jscher2000 - Support Volunteer
Real name: Jefferson Scher Real job: intellectual property attorney
My latest Firefox-related projects are as follows these unofficial sites:
Help with userChrome.css files: https://www.userchrome.org/
Tools for reading compressed files: https://www.jeffersonscher.com/ffu/
If you are looking for my userscripts to tweak your Google search results, they are available on these sites:
https://greasyfork.org/users/197-jefferson-scher and https://openuserjs.org/users/jscher2000/scripts
And I have started learning how to write extensions:
jscher2000 - Support Volunteer's Groups
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