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FAQs for how to reach Mozilla Support Staff/Administrators. (See also Meet the Team.)
You can add a new post in one of the contributor forums with Attn:Admin in the title.
Use Cases for Attn:Admin
- A user cannot login to their account
- A user cannot receive email confirmations / A user can't verify her email account
- An escalated thread needs attention from a developer (#escalate)
- The site goes down and we need to contact #webops
- A user is spamming the forum and needs to be warned and/or banned
- A user is reaching the limit on the amount of messages that they can post in a day
Tasks that Admins Can Do
- Add an announcement to the forum by locale
- A new version of Firefox needs to be added so that the tags for new questions are accurate
- Adding a new badge or award to a user's profile
- A new group profile needs to be created or changed
- AAQ needs to be added for a new locale when you open a new forum
- A new moderator or reviewer needs to be added to the group for the right permissions
- A tag needs to be removed or added from the existence in the forum
- The frequency of the Survey is too high, we can change the % of users that it goes to
- Google analytic request
- User profile is requested to be removed by a user that no longer wants their name or email in our db.
- A new redirect needs to be added
- A new kb or forum needs to be opened up or closed
- Add a user to the trusted contributors group
Previous examples:
- How to un-archive a thread? This cannot be done
- Community Members bad mouthing Firefox, please do not do this
- Can I do something that does not exist on the forum or I do not know how to do this new innovative idea
- Another person is posting in the same thread I am posting in, what do I do?
- How can I change my username? This cannot be done without developer resources
- How can I become white-listed?
- I am having trouble doing <this regular action I could take in the past>
- Threats and bad language, user has been banned and deactivated several times?
- 500 error for a page that should not have been deleted
- Contributor forum discussion thread
Use [attn:admin] where something is particularly important to a user or community member
- Policy Discussions
- Advice
- Channels for Admins
- Matrix
- Scheduled meetings [Link to Contributor Forums - "What's happening this week?"]
- Bugs in
- Posted etherpads or Google Document links
- trello board public comments