Social Support - How to use the tool

Contributors Contributors Cập nhật cuối:

If you’ve passed the two week incubation period on #fxhelp, you can apply for access to Conversocial through this form. Conversocial is a 3rd party tool that the SUMO team uses to reply to Google Play Store reviews and Twitter conversations. In order to use it, you need to request an account by following the guidelines below. Please note that by joining Conversocial, you’re agreeing to their privacy policy.

We may also use your email address to contact you about your participation in the program. As always, our use of your email address will be in accordance with Mozilla's privacy policy.

Once you complete the form, the SUMO team will review your request and follow up with you directly about next steps. You can expect to receive a response within 2 business days.

Criteria to get access to Social Support in Conversocial

  • You have at least 2 weeks of experience responding to Social Support inquiries using #fxhelp
  • You demonstrate good instincts and respect for others
  • You provide clear instructions and objective responses to user inquiries
  • You collaborate well with contributors and seek feedback to improve your responses
  • You show good judgement across your personal and professional social networks
  • You have signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Engagement policy in Conversocial

Currently, we have the following accounts connected to the tool:

@Firefox Official Firefox brand account
@FirefoxSupport Official support account for Firefox
@mozilla_germany Mozilla account for German
@mozilla_france Mozilla account for French
@firefox_es Mozilla account for Spanish
@FirefoxBrasil Mozilla account for Brazil
@FirefoxTurkiye Mozilla account for Turkey

General engagement

  • No Retweet
  • No DM
  • See below for responding
  • See below for likes
  • See below for retweet
  • See below for DM
  • See below for responding
  • See below for likes
@mozilla_germany, @mozilla_france, and @firefox_es, @FirefoxBrasil, and @FirefoxTurkiye
  • No Retweet
  • No DM
  • See below for responding
  • See below for likes


In general, here’s how people typically mention Firefox on Twitter: Compliment the product (i.e. “Firefox is the best browser!”) App roundups (i.e. “My favorite desktop apps”) Support request (i.e. “I can’t find my bookmarks after updating”) Feature request (i.e. “I hope there will be improvement in the next update”)

We ask Social Support program participants to focus their efforts on support-related tweets, feedback and feature requests. Our general policy is to respond from the account that was mentioned, with the exception of @firefox mentions. We respond to these mentions from @firefoxsupport. See the below table for more details.

Tweet mentions @firefox and is a support request Respond from @FirefoxSupport
Tweet mentions @firefox but is feedback or a feature request Respond from @FirefoxSupport
Tweet mentions @FirefoxSupport and is a support request Respond from @FirefoxSupport
Tweet mentions @FirefoxSupport but is feedback or a feature request Respond from @FirefoxSupport
Tweet doesn’t mention @firefox or @FirefoxSupport but is in need of support Respond from @FirefoxSupport
Tweet mentions @mozilla_germany, @mozilla_france, @firefox_es, @FirefoxBrasil, or @FirefoxTurkiye and is a support request Respond from @mozilla_germany, @mozilla_france, @firefox_es, @FirefoxBrasil, or @FirefoxTurkiye depending on which account the user mention
Tweet mentions @mozilla_germany, @mozilla_france, @firefox_es, @FirefoxBrasil, or @FirefoxTurkiye and is feedback or a feature request Respond from @mozilla_germany, @mozilla_france, @firefox_es, @FirefoxBrasil, or @FirefoxTurkiye depending on which account the user mention


Conversocial queue Queues are like workspaces on Conversocial. By default, as a contributor you’ll be able to view these queues:

  • Twitter conversations - Moderated: Moderated Twitter conversations, mostly from @FirefoxSupport account, but sometimes from the @Firefox account too.
  • Escalation: Queue for any conversation that requires escalation to a community manager.

Filtering and Prioritization

Filtering and prioritization in Conversocial Once you select your queue, you can filter further from the left-side panel. You can filter by tag, type, or channel. We strongly recommend filtering based on tag unless you are prioritizing your responses by channel.

PS! : There is a “Containing private message” option if you select the type dropdown. We don’t recommend using it since we don’t usually use the Direct Message (DM) feature.

Play Mode

Play mode in Conversocial In order to see conversations, you need to click on the Play Mode button. Play Mode is like a working mode. Whenever you’re ready to reply, you click that button, and when you’re done, you need to click the stop button.

PS! : It’s important to click the stop button whenever you take a break or when you’re finished for the day because it will impact our average response time. For security reasons, we strongly recommend you to also sign out whenever you’re done using the tool.

During play mode, there are a few options you can select to customize a conversation you’re currently handling. Conversocial play mode options


You can set a reminder for yourself. This will come in handy when you need to confirm the information you want to send to the user before actually replying.

Assign conversation

You can assign a conversation to yourself or assign a conversation to the Escalate queue (Mozilla - Escalate) if necessary.

Sentiment tone

You can also mark sentiment for the conversation you’re handling as positive, neutral or negative with one of the 3 buttons provided.


Although we try to automate the tag as much as possible, you could also help by putting the right tag based on the conversation. You can select more than one tag for every conversation. For a full guideline on Conversocial tagging, please see this article: Social Support - Tagging guidelines.


There’s also an option to hold a conversation. This will come in handy if you’re still waiting to hear from the user (Waiting on Customer) or when you need to confirm from somebody else in the community/organization (Waiting Internal).

Closing options

Here’s where it begins to get more interesting in Conversocial. You can choose different closing reasons depending on the situation. Currently, here are the options you can choose:

  • Acknowledged: Use this for a conversation that is not necessarily actionable, but can be acknowledged.
  • Bug Filed: Use this if you/the OP have filed a bug report for the corresponding issue.
  • Could Not Resolve: Use this for a conversation that has been going on for a long time but hasn’t been able to resolve.
  • Deleted: Use this for a conversation that has been deleted.
  • Language not supported: Use this for a conversation in a language that we are not supporting.
  • Moved to forum: Use this for a conversation that we have to escalate to the community forum.
  • No Need to Reply: Use this for non-help-related conversations. Consider using this for a conversation that has “No Action Taken”, “Community”, “Controversial, “Fan Love”, “MozFest”, “News/Press Release”, “Social Support/AoA”, or “Staff/Employee” tag on it.
  • Resolved: Use this for a help-related conversation that has been solved.
  • User didn’t respond: Use this for a conversation that’s stuck on the user. Consider closing the conversation if the user is not replying for at least 3 days after your last reply.

User’s tag

You may choose to select a tag/category for the user. We currently have 4 tags:

  • Community member: Tag for known contributor who's using their personal account to reply to user's issue.
  • Influencer: Tag for accounts that have a large number of followers or are verified.
  • Spammers: This is a tag for spammer accounts.
  • Troll account: This is a tag for accounts that are disruptive and appear to be fake users.
  • Trouble maker: This is a tag for someone who is disruptive and not seriously looking for help.

Reply field

Reply field in Conversocial

When you click on the reply field, a few other menus will appear:

Internal Note

You can use this feature to communicate information that is visible to the other users on the tool. You can see the button above the text field, next to the Public Tweet indication.

Insert clipping

Clipping is basically saved replies or common responses. You can use these reply templates for recurring issues. Be sure to personalize the message so it doesn’t feel like it’s coming from a bot.

Insert emoji

You can also add emoji in your reply. Just make sure not to go overboard!

Add attachment

Use this button to add an attachment to your replies like a screenshot or screencast.

Send a private message button

This can be used to insert a "Send a private message" button in your tweet. However, we don’t recommend using this feature in the meantime since we don’t normally use DM.

Reply options

There are a few options you can use once you’ve typed your reply in the field:

  • Reply: Use this if you’re replying to the conversation for the first time.
  • Reply + Hold: Use this if you want to wait for the user to reply back or when you need to confirm some information before you actually reply with the resolution options.
  • Reply + Close: Use this if you want to close the conversation. Clicking this button will prompt the closing options we mentioned before.

Adding signature

You can set a default signature for your account by following these steps:

  • Go to the Account menu on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Click on My Signatures menu under the Personal Settings.
  • Click the green Save button.

Responding to a verified account or an account with lots of followers

We’ll be applying an “Internet celebrity” tag for tweets that are coming from verified accounts or accounts with lots of followers. Depending on their tweet content, generally we need to prioritize them with caution. If you’re not sure about how to answer, please escalate to the community managers. If you notice a tweet coming from these types of accounts, consider adding the “Internet celebrity” tag to it.

Responding to a controversial tweet

In general, we recommend our community to refrain from any controversial conversation. If you’re confused, please refer to the following guide: When to respond to a controversial tweet as a Firefox Advocate.


In general we use likes to indicate that we saw and acknowledged the comment. Especially when people compliment our products.

For example: “I cannot like this enough. @firefox You’re a champ!”

We also use likes at the end of a support session.

For example: “Thank you so much for this! I can access my bookmarks again now”

For both cases, we recommend to do the like from the account that was mentioned with no exception.


We do not retweet from our main brand accounts (@mozilla and @firefox), and these are reserved for the marketing team. We will consider opportunities to retweet from @FirefoxSupport. Please escalate any retweet recommendations to a community manager.

Types of tweets we would consider retweeting:

  • Huge praise about our products
  • Helpful information about product release
  • Tips or trick on using our products

Types of accounts we would retweet from:

  • Accounts with a large following
  • Other organizations or brands that are aligned with our company values
Note: If you see a conversation that could potential be retweeted, please assign it to the Escalation" queue with a note.

Direct Message

Although we have the capability to support private conversation through Direct Message, we advise contributors to refrain from using it before we have further strategy about how we're going to utilize the feature.

Escalation Guidelines

You may encounter issues that gain traction through retweets, persistent individual reports, or customer support issues involving paid products or angry customers. If you’re unable to provide appropriate resources or reassurance, escalate the situation to a community manager.

When to escalate

  • If you notice that there are more than one person asking the same/similar question.
  • If a question getting a lot of attention and there is no solution in the Knowledge Base.
  • If the question is related to a paid product.
  • If you find other circumstances that you think need to be escalated, please PM the CMs.
PS! : To see a complete escalation process on Conversocial, please go to the next section of the guidelines Mobile and Social Support escalation process.

How to stop contributing

If you wish to stop contributing and want to delete your Conversocial account, please email rkelimutu[at]mozilla[dot]com or one of the administrators with the same email address you use in Conversocial.

Complete Social Support guidelines

Thanks for reading! If you’re still interested in supporting Firefox users on social media, please review and complete the following guidelines:

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