Open a new private tab in Firefox Focus for Android

Firefox Focus Firefox Focus Igqibele ukuhlaziywa: 17% of users voted this helpful
Akukho namnye oncedileyo ukuguqulela eli nqaku. Ukuba sele usazi ukuba kwenziwa njani ukulokhalayizelwa imisebenzi ye-SUMO, qalisa uguqulelo ngoku. Ukuba ufuna ukufunda ngakumbi ngendlela yokuguqulela amanqaku eSUMO, nceda uqale apha.

Firefox Focus makes it easy to browse between web pages and open multiple private tabs.

Open a link in a new private tab

  1. Tap and hold on a link on a page to bring up a menu.
  2. Tap Open link in private tab.
  3. The page will open in a new private tab.

Manage your open tabs

To view your open private tabs, tap the number at the top right of the screen to bring up a list of your open tabs. You may need to scroll the current page down first for the navigation bar to show up.


To switch to a tab, just tap on it in the menu.

To delete a tab, tap the x icon next to it in the menu.

To quickly clear your browsing session, and delete all tabs at once, tap the trash Copnfig Editor Trash Icon icon at the top left of the screen.

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