Some Unicode does not display despite proper font support
I am having trouble figuring out why certain pages do not display Unicode blocks I know I have fonts for. For example, I have fonts for Imperial Aramaic (Quivira and 2 others), and two for Linear B Ideograms (Aegean, Code2001). I have verified this via the excellent BabelMap application, which will show you which fonts installed support which Unicode blocks. If I go into the preferences and make the default font Quivira, the Imperial Aramaic characters get displayed, but not the Linear B ones. And vice versa if I pick Aegean as the font. I would expect FFox to figure it out and work out any font that could support the Unicode block. Here are 2 test pages: http://www.alanwood.net/unicode/imperial-aramaic.html http://www.alanwood.net/unicode/linear_b_ideograms.html
All Replies (4)
Did you try to select a common font like Verdana or Arial as the default font?
That should make Firefox automatically use the right font if the currently selected font don't have the glyphs.
You may also have to enable fonts for web pages.
- Tools > Options > Content Fonts & Colors > Advanced: [X] "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above"
Unfortunately neither Unicode block displays if I set it to a common font. I tried setting "Hebrew" and Greek" to the appropriate fonts in the hopes that these would get picked up as those languages, but they did not. The checkbox was already there.
It works for me on Linux. My default font is DejaVu Serif on the Alan Wood pages
I do have the Aegean font, but I didn't have the Quivira font, so I installed that font.
Interesting. It does work on my Mint VM if I install Quivira and Aegean. So this is specific to how Firefox on Windows handles fonts. As an aside, I see the same issues on my Windows box in Internet Explorer, but Chrome seems to work fine provided I pick Quivira as the default font.