Firefox app crashes specifically when it reaches a new hour

I use firefox beta and noticed that firefox always closes exactly when a new hour hits. The moment it hits say exactly 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, or so on for every hour of the da… (funda okungaphezulu)

I use firefox beta and noticed that firefox always closes exactly when a new hour hits. The moment it hits say exactly 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, or so on for every hour of the day, the app crashes. I also tried this on the standard firefox and the same thing happens. I even decided to alter my device time in settings and set the time to 11.59 only to have the app crash the moment it turns 12. This is the same for any other time of day I set. I tried changing battery optimization and storage restrictions/optimization and nothing seems to work.

Asked by Ken 19 kwimizuzu edlulileyo

Last reply by Ken 3 kwimizuzu edlulileyo

Bug playing video with infinit buffering

Has anyone addressed the infinite buffering while streaming vids/movies? Really getting tired of this and chrome keeps looking better. And i hate chrome. Haven't seen an … (funda okungaphezulu)

Has anyone addressed the infinite buffering while streaming vids/movies? Really getting tired of this and chrome keeps looking better. And i hate chrome. Haven't seen an answer on the original question post. Just curious if its taken seriously.

Asked by bigred1957 33 kwimizuzu edlulileyo

Trouble logging in

I’m trying to login to my Firefox account on my new iPhone and it wants an authentication code but I don’t know from which authentication app? Please help!

Asked by 2mrdd2zw9k 39 kwimizuzu edlulileyo

Yahoo on Firefox drops connection but doesn't on Google.

In the last 2 weeks you tube or yahoo on firefox either times out or drops about 30 minutes in but when I use you tube or yahoo on Google I don't have this problem. Is t… (funda okungaphezulu)

In the last 2 weeks you tube or yahoo on firefox either times out or drops about 30 minutes in but when I use you tube or yahoo on Google I don't have this problem. Is there a problem with an extension or security issue that would cause this? Did an update cause this? It's frustrating. It's been happening to my husband on his desktop also. It will tell us we're not connected but when I go the the router it shows connected. I have to exit out of the browser and reload and everything is fine for about 30 minutes and then I have to exit and reload which requires me to sign in again. Just wondering if an update caused this.

Asked by vgmiller100 4 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Saving downloaded files

I have set up a preferred download location in Settings and also ticked the "Always ask you where to save files" box, so for every download, the default location comes up… (funda okungaphezulu)

I have set up a preferred download location in Settings and also ticked the "Always ask you where to save files" box, so for every download, the default location comes up in the download screen.

However, I regularly want to download a number of files in succession to the same non-default location and it is a pain to set it up each time. Is there any way to get Firefox to remember the last location used to save a file and offer it each time (at least in each session) for downloads?

I'm running Firefox 135.01 (64-bit) on Windows 11.

Many thanks.


Asked by felixtcat 18 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Last reply by felixtcat 7 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Firefox incorrectly resolves DNS of local servers

When my resolv.conf contains domain mydom.local search mydom.local nameserver nameserver I encounter that I cannot access s1.mydom.local in f… (funda okungaphezulu)

When my resolv.conf contains domain mydom.local search mydom.local nameserver nameserver

I encounter that I cannot access s1.mydom.local in firefox. However, I can access it in safari, chrome, via ssh, it responds to ping etc. On firefox says the server cannot be found. If i enter the server IP address, it works. So I go to about:networking#dns and see that DNS suffix is set to mydom.local

I go to DNS search and enter s1.mydom.local to get NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST. Then i enter only s1 and it spits out the correct IP address. And from there on, if I put into the address bar only https://s1 then it works.

It seems like a bug that when I enter s1.mydom.local firefox for some weird reason might be resolving s1.mydom.local.mydom.local which i just wrong. Is this a bug? No other browsers behave like this. Is there a workaround?

Asked by leosenko 9 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Last reply by leosenko 7 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo

Ich kann Firefox nicht mehr starten!

Hallo, ich habe am Mittwoch 26.02. das Programm PC-Cleaner gestartet und unter der Funktin "Optimieren" WINDOWS - Reparaturprüfung aktiviert. Das Programm lief ein paar… (funda okungaphezulu)

Hallo, ich habe am Mittwoch 26.02. das Programm PC-Cleaner gestartet und unter der Funktin "Optimieren" WINDOWS - Reparaturprüfung aktiviert. Das Programm lief ein paar Minuten, dann erfolgte ein Neustart, danach wartete ich sehr lange und es passierte nichts! Ich habe nach ca 1 - 1,5 Std. die Task abgebrochen! Wollte dann meinen Browser Firefox öffnen, was nicht mehr ging!!! ...genau so war es mit PC-Cleaner! Ich habe mich dann an den PC-Cleaner Support gewandt aber über den Chat nicht viel erreichen können! Ich wollte das gerne telefonisch klären - war aber auch nicht möglich! Nun habe ich auf die Rückmeldung eines Technikers gewartet! Mittlerweile konnte ich das Programm PC- Cleaner erfolgreich löschen und neu installieren! Aber mein Browswer funktioniert noch immer nicht trotz mehrfacher Neuinstallation! Ich kann Firefox öffnen allerdings nur als Admin, sehe dann meine Lesezeichen, kann aber keine Seite öffnen! Bitte info - Vielen Dank!

Asked by karl dall 12 kwiiyure ezidlulileyo