Issue with high disk usage - \Mozilla\xul.dll after wake from hibernate
Win7x64p, FF 115.18.0esr (64-bit) When I power on my Dell E6440 from hibernate (& restart?), with or without some small portable apps running -Total Commander, notepad. I have to wait (sometimes 5 minutes or more) before I can use without significant lag. HDD LED full-on. If I start up FF while disk usage is very high, sometimes 1 core of CPU gets stuck at 100%. Sleep & wake resets this. Watching in Resource Monitor \Mozilla\xul.dll using high disk B/sec & HDD LED full on, when HDD LED returns normal xul.dll disk read activity drops to 0 or near.
Is a FF service/process reading its stored data?(via xul.dll) or something. Looking for any ideas to troubleshoot.
I'm not having any issues with FireFox running, just this process making PC unusable after wake-up. Thanks