deleted emails don't get moved to trash

Hi, I still use K9mail as my primary email client. I've been testing Thunderbird for Android for a little while now. Here's my issue: When I delete an email in thunderbi… (kàsi)

Hi, I still use K9mail as my primary email client. I've been testing Thunderbird for Android for a little while now. Here's my issue:

When I delete an email in thunderbird and sync with the server, I go back to K9mail and sync there too. But the deleted emails are still showing up in my inbox. Am I impatient or is this a real bug?

Asked by The Veritable Bugeater 7 àwọn wákàtí sẹ́hìn

Konto nur manuell abrufen

i set 2 of 6 acconts to "manually only" and there are neverthenless messages in the inbox.why? and how may i suppress or hide them? so i like to see them only if i select… (kàsi)

i set 2 of 6 acconts to "manually only" and there are neverthenless messages in the inbox.why? and how may i suppress or hide them? so i like to see them only if i select "get new mails" of this 2 accounts. All other accounts working fine asthey should.

Asked by maxem67 13 àwọn wákàtí sẹ́hìn

No adress list

Hello, I just organized Thunderbird mobile on my samsung tablet. On the desktop Thunderbird shows a menu and a adress book. When I get an Email I can save the mail adres… (kàsi)

Hello, I just organized Thunderbird mobile on my samsung tablet. On the desktop Thunderbird shows a menu and a adress book. When I get an Email I can save the mail adress in my adress book. But, Thunderbird mobile doesn't show a menu nor a adress book an it does not use the contact saved at the tablet. Can anyone help me to solve this problem? thanks a lot!! Regards, Monika

Hallo, kürzlich habe ich Thunderbird mobil auf meinem Samsung Tablet installiert. Leider zeigt die App keine Menüleiste und keine Option eines Adressbuches. Dazu greift Thunderbird auch nicht auf gespeicherte Kontakte zu. Bei der Desktopversion wird sowohl die Menüleiste als auch ein Adressbuch angezeigt. Könnte mir bitte jemand behilflich sein, dieses Problem zu lösen? Vielen Dank! Grüße, Monika

Asked by Maya 20 àwọn wákàtí sẹ́hìn

Last reply by Maya 19 àwọn wákàtí sẹ́hìn

Thunderbird blocked by VPNs

Hello, I'm trying VPNs, but have found that sending mail by Thunderbird for Android is blocked by 4 different VPNs on two different devices with 4 different protocols, wh… (kàsi)

Hello, I'm trying VPNs, but have found that sending mail by Thunderbird for Android is blocked by 4 different VPNs on two different devices with 4 different protocols, while email sending by TypeApp is not. Any ideas?

Asked by Tombarkas 22 àwọn wákàtí sẹ́hìn

Signing an e-mail

As an enthusiastic Thunderbird user, I recently installed Thunderbird for Android and set it up using a QR code. Fantastic! I always sign my outgoing emails with an Open… (kàsi)

As an enthusiastic Thunderbird user, I recently installed Thunderbird for Android and set it up using a QR code. Fantastic!

I always sign my outgoing emails with an OpenPGP certificate. I have integrated this on my smartphone using OpenKeychain. The question now is: how do I sign the outgoing emails?

The key is set up correctly with OpenKeyChain, the menu item ‘Activate encryption’ (German: ‘Verschlüsselung aktivieren’) is displayed, but not the menu item ‘Activate PGP-only signing’ (German: PGP-nur-Signieren aktivieren).

Asked by Philippe Bonifatius 1 ọjọ́ tó kọjá

Erstellen von Ordnern

Hallo liebes Thunderbird-Team, besteht die Möglichkeit, Ordner direkt in Thunderbird-Mobile anzulegen oder geht dies nur über den PC mit anschließender Synchronisation? … (kàsi)

Hallo liebes Thunderbird-Team,

besteht die Möglichkeit, Ordner direkt in Thunderbird-Mobile anzulegen oder geht dies nur über den PC mit anschließender Synchronisation?

Vielen herzlichen Dank LG Jürgen

Asked by j_schoen 2 àwọn ọjọ́ tó kọjá

No notification

Hello, I have authorised notifications in the Thunderbird application for Android, but I don't receive any when I receive emails. For your information, in Account Setting… (kàsi)

Hello, I have authorised notifications in the Thunderbird application for Android, but I don't receive any when I receive emails. For your information, in Account Settings > Notifications, I checked the first box "Notifications of new emails" and the fifth box "Synchronisation notifications". What's more, in the "Notification categories" section (further down), in the screen that opens before "Emails", the "Alert" and "Application icon badges" boxes are ticked, and there's a sound associated with the "Sound" heading. With all this, I don't get any notification of incoming emails. Thank you for your help, Kind regards, Renaud *Email removed to protect privacy*

Asked by Renaud Soubise 5 àwọn ọjọ́ tó kọjá

TB Mobile for Android not prompting for contacts

In attempting to compose an email, TB does not recognize any contacts when I start typing the first few letters of their email address nor when I try typing their name as… (kàsi)

In attempting to compose an email, TB does not recognize any contacts when I start typing the first few letters of their email address nor when I try typing their name as it appears in phone contacts. First installed TB on this new phone just a couple days ago, and my recollection is it was working fine. But then I went ahead with the Android 14 update, and after that is when TB seemingly forgot all contacts/email addresses. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling TB, but that made no difference.

Asked by wauckl 1 ọ̀sẹ̀ tó kọjá

Last reply by wauckl 6 àwọn ọjọ́ tó kọjá

When will composing/writing, sending and receiving HTML emails be possible in Thunderbird for Android?

When will composing/writing, sending and receiving HTML emails be available, possible in Thunderbird for Android? I know this HTML functionality is not available in K-9 e… (kàsi)

When will composing/writing, sending and receiving HTML emails be available, possible in Thunderbird for Android? I know this HTML functionality is not available in K-9 email on Android, but it is available in Thunderbird, Thunderbird Desktop on all other platforms like Windows, Linux and MacOS except Android.

Asked by michel2 2 àwọn ọjọ́ tó kọjá

Cannonsend email abroas

Hi. I use Thunderbird for Android and I am to send email abroad. When I use email with CZ there is no problem, hit with other EU/COM/PL....all emails return. Set… (kàsi)

Hi. I use Thunderbird for Android and I am to send email abroad. When I use email with CZ there is no problem, hit with other EU/COM/PL....all emails return. Settings are correct, I checked woth my IT...I do not know what to do. Kind regarts Barbara

Asked by Basia Gasior 3 àwọn ọjọ́ tó kọjá